Suppose there is a set of 4 ohm speakers(large).
if we connect them to mobile or mp3 player,the output will be very less ie., very less sound is obtained.In order to rectify that an amplifier plays a major role.so lets make a low voltage audio amplifier.
All Components can be found at RadioShack.
Multipurpose PCB with 417 Holes
5-15 Volt DC power supply (4 AA or 1 9v Battery)
8 Ohm Speaker
Audio Source e.g. iPod
8-Pin Retention Contact
IC1 IC LM386 Audio Amp IC
R1 Resistor 10 Ohm
R2 Resistor 1K Ohm
R3 Potentiometer 10K Ohm
R4 Resistor 10 Ohm
C1 Capacitor 220 Micro Farad
C2 Capacitor 10 Micro Farad
C3 Capacitor 220 Micro Farad
Arrange components the best you can using the wiring diagram. i placed them as close together as i could, but it may be easier to spread them out a little more or breadboard this circuit first. I highly suggest breadboarding first just to get a feel of the arrangement, prior to soldering.
Trim component leads and clean solder joints. Be sure to double check connections to make sure a connection isn't left out. Hook up a 5-15 Volt DC power supply, your audio source, and 8 Ohm speaker and test it out. Be sure to ground out the audio sources audio low line and ground out the speakers ground wire to the circuits ground.
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